2009年4月24日 星期五


After I collected a lot of information of Christian Dior like the background of the brand, the background of different designers in Christian Dior or the hot topics, I have more understanding on this brand, here is my forecasting of Christian Dior spring/Summer 2010 Haute Couture:

First of all, as John Galliano said that ‘’I’m sensitive to the economy. Of course I’m aware of it. But dealing with it is not my job. My job is to do the best, I can to show the possibilities of Dior. ‘’ Although in the F/W 2009 collection, John Galliano have a little bit affected by economy situation, I still think economic influence-economic tsunami on the new collection is less and I think John Galliano will still design a collection that is creative and colorful. And I think red and yellow are the major colors. It is because after I analysis the collection from 2003 to 2009, I find that red and yellow were the core colors of John Galliano‘s design. And because this is summer’s collection so I think he will use brighter colors. Here is the color Family:

Also, because I forecast Christian Dior will use yellow and red in the next collection so I think he may analogous color scheme or mono-chromatic color scheme.

Secondly, The name of Dior means god [dieu ] and gold[or] so I forecast John Galliano may use gold color in the following collection to present Dior’s spirit. And black color is the perfect color used to emphasis gold color so I think he may use black and gold color in the next collection. Here is the color family:

Thirdly, as we know that, John Galliano went to many countries to find new ideas of new collection, for example, China, Japan, Vienna or Russia. So I think his next collection will be affected by the travel trip and the country’s culture. And I think many countries either western or eastern where John Galliano had gone there already. Then I think he may want to go to a special country that less designers or people went to. And I think John Galliano may go to North Pole to find new ideas. Eskimo’s culture (like what are Eskimo’s clothing?) is mysterious and I think he may want to know more. And he may create a new collection about North Pole and Eskimo’s culture. For example Eskimo use natural material (Reindeer skin, bearskin or seal skin) to make clothing so I think he may use the color of North Pole’s animals to make his next collection. Here is the color family of the animal’s skin:

The major color is grey and it may use mono-chromatic color scheme to make a design.

Forth, global warming is one of the hot issues from all over the world so I think John Galliano will focus on this topic as well. And you may think that how global warming affect the color trend of Christian Dior. OK. Let me tell you the impact of Global warming first. The two basic influences: rising the sea level because the ice cap will melt when the temperature increase and some of the animals will disappear especially the animals in tropical rain forest. So in my opinion, I think John Galliano may use blue and green color to represent the above impacts. Here is the color family:

Why I think he may use a dark blue in the Spring and Summer collection? It is because I think global warming become very worst so dark blue can represent the seriousness of this problem. And the other color represent the sea wave and sea level.

Here are the colors I think John Galliano may use in the following collection. By using the principle of familiarity, green is the best color for forest. But I think he may use a dark red to destroy the harmony of the forest and it can represent the problem of global warming.

Or I think John Galliano may combine the two impacts together to form new items by using anologous color scheme.

Fifth, music is one of the important elements in the fashion industry. You can see that some famous brands like Chanel’s collection were affected by music in summer and spring collection in 2009. So I think music will affect the coming collection of Christian Dior. And I forecast rock and roll will be one of the elements of Dior’s collection. And the major colors would be black and white. Here is the color family:

By using achromatic color scheme to create items that represent rock n roll is a good ideas.

Sixth, although there are other elements that will affect the coming collection, the old tradition is still very important. After I analysis the pasted collection of Christian Dior, I find out that purple is the common color in all collection so I think John Galliano may reuse purple as one of the color in the following collection. Here is the color family:

And if only use purple color, if may be dull. And after using complementary color scheme(yellow and purple), the whole collection would be more outstanding. So I think john Galliano will use this perfect match in the coming collection to show the tradition of Dior.

Seventh, We can always see the elements like Roses, Lucky stars or Lucky lily of the valley in the Christian Dior’s collection. They are the pebbles that John Galliano strews along his own path in order to remind us Christian Dior’s. I think it is a tradition, so he may reuse these elements in the come collection. So if he use rose as an element, I think he may use pink color. Or if he use lucky star as an element, he may use orange color. Or if he use lily as an element, he may use champagne color as the core. Here are the color family:

I think he may use pink to represent roses and I think flowers must have leafs so green color may put into the collection by using complementary color scheme.

And I think John Galliano may use orange color to represent the star. So I think he may use mono-chromatic scheme(same hue but different intensity or value) in the coming collection.

I think Campagne color is a elegance color and I think it is suitable to represent lily's image so I forecast he may use this color as well.

To have a short conclusion, I think John Galliano will still use more colors in his coming collection in Christian Dior because he want to remind Christian Dior's image and also because he is a genius top designer.

My feeling of this project

This is my first time to do a project that is really about fashion by myself and I am really try my best to finish it. I am very happy I can finish but I think I still have to improve my knowledge about fashion. After I finished this project, I learn a lot things about Christian Dior. And I will try my best to learn other brand later.

Here is my comment: I think blogger is not good for posting pictures, so maybe next time you can try to use xanga which is more easy to use and control.

Thank you very much for teaching me. Not only the forecast skill, but also the attitude of how to be a good student like how to learn English and I will remember it forever.

2009年4月23日 星期四

Economic problem

Effects of Financial Tsunami towards F/W 09
Reduce the number of fashion shows, reduce the number of buyers,
cancel of fashion weeks,
cut budget,
Collections become more commercial reduce the material use,
colors used in collections are monotone and dull,
less extravagent and jaw-dropping designs
(明報)4月2日 星期四 05:10 【明報專訊】時裝,向來是反映經濟民生的寒暑表。太平盛世固然百花齊放百家爭鳴,經濟稍一回落,時窮節乃現,所有不必要消費統統打落十八層地獄。金融海嘯,更令消費市道雪上加霜。2009米蘭巴黎 秋冬時裝節,就在這樣背景下舉行了。明天面世的《life&style明報時尚生活雜誌》(http://OL.mingpao.com/pm1.htm),繼續以獨特角度,將時裝節點滴呈現讀者眼前。要感受不一樣的潮流氣息,不容錯過。 2009秋冬這一季,是時裝界最刻骨銘心的一季。經濟衰退,成為全球時裝編輯與買手普遍關心的共同話題。時裝,儘管是一門三更窮五更富的行業,可是,它有着一份予人希望與夢想的力量。這季不理想,下季再來。永遠有下次,好醜也可以重新出發。 (節錄) 法國高級時裝周感受“危機” 2009-02-04 作者:辛華 來源:經濟參考報 本報訊 為期三天的巴黎時裝周1月28日正式落下帷幕。儘管本次時裝周上,迪奧、香奈兒等世界級知名品牌紛紛推出了一系列華美絢麗的服裝,然而金融危機帶來的衝擊仍不容忽視。 香奈兒的設計師卡爾·拉格菲爾德表示已經感受到金融危機的威脅。他說,現在即使是富人花錢都十分謹慎。但如果人們不在時尚方面消費,不僅會嚴重影響到時尚界,也會給世界經濟帶來影響。拉格菲爾德同時樂觀地認為,不少品牌如今仍保持很好的銷售業績,人們需要對市場保有信心。 在本次時裝周上,每件禮服的價格均在一萬美元以上。《每日時尚》雜誌的主編戈弗雷·丹尼預測,在目前經濟形勢下,時尚男裝的設計者將謹慎選擇奢華路線,而高級女裝仍會成為時尚女性的最愛。 今年巴黎時裝周由四天縮短為三天,一些規模及知名度相對較小的公司也紛紛退出。毫無疑問,正在全球不斷蔓延的金融危機將影響今年歐洲的服裝業,歐洲人在服裝方面的花費將持續下降。
來源﹕中國服裝設計師協會 2009年初的全球時裝業﹐似乎有預兆成為某種歷史的節點。受經濟影響﹐已經落下帷幕的2009秋冬各個時裝周都顯得有些低調甚或暗淡。 日本東京時裝周直接宣布取消活動﹐ 2月舉辦的紐約時裝周有至少30個品牌宣布退出﹔ 緊接其後的米蘭時裝周比往年減少了10場左右發布﹐只有不到80個品牌參加﹔ 僅51個品牌舉辦時裝秀的倫敦時裝周將原來6天的走秀時間縮短為5天﹔ 巴黎時裝周稍好些﹐共舉辦了91場時裝秀﹐與2008年同期持平。 同時﹐參加各時裝周發布的品牌﹐也大多採取了簡朴的方式﹐來壓縮開支。全球金融危機對引領時尚生活消費的時裝產業﹐沖擊表現得相當明顯。

Musical factor of Chanel

Here is Chanel Spring/Summer 2009 Ready-to wear. You can see that there are some items were affected by music. For example the handbag is like a guitar or the first model use guitar for decoration or the outfit used rock elements. As a result, I think music is a important factor to affect fashion.

Hot topic

On Feb. 2, 2007, the United Nations scientific panel studying climate change declared that the evidence of a warming trend is "unequivocal," and that human activity has "very likely" been the driving force in that change over the last 50 years. The last report by the group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in 2001, had found that humanity had "likely" played a role.
The addition of that single word "very" did more than reflect mounting scientific evidence that the release of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases from smokestacks, tailpipes and burning forests has played a central role in raising the average surface temperature of the earth by more than 1 degree Fahrenheit since 1900. It also added new momentum to a debate that now seems centered less over whether humans are warming the planet, but instead over what to do about it. In recent months, business groups have banded together to make unprecedented calls for federal regulation of greenhouse gases. The subject had a red-carpet moment when former Vice President Al Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," was awarded an Oscar; and the Supreme Court made its first global warming-related decision, ruling 5 to 4 that the Environmental Protection Agency had not justified its position that it was not authorized to regulate carbon dioxide.

The greenhouse effect has been part of the earth's workings since its earliest days. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane allow sunlight to reach the earth, but prevent some of the resulting heat from radiating back out into space. Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would never have warmed enough to allow life to form. But as ever larger amounts of carbon dioxide have been released along with the development of industrial economies, the atmosphere has grown warmer at an accelerating rate: Since 1970, temperatures have gone up at nearly three times the average for the 20th century.
The latest report from the climate panel predicted that the global climate is likely to rise between 3.5 and 8 degrees Fahrenheit if the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere reaches twice the level of 1750. By 2100, sea levels are likely to rise between 7 to 23 inches, it said, and the changes now underway will continue for centuries to come.

John Galliano: feet firmly on the ground during economic downdown

Of course I’m sensitive to the economy. Of course I’m aware of it. I read the newspapers; I watch TV," he said Sunday. "But [dealing with it] is not my job. My job is to do the best I can to show the possibilities of Dior. When you’re standing in a hurricane, you have to keep your feet firmly on the ground. If you panic, whew…you fly away."Galliano’s notion of being grounded: a collection rooted in the parallel beliefs that Dior must not surrender its identity to recession, but that now is not the time to go iconoclast-crazy. He thus celebrated the house iconography in all its 1947 audacity. Along the way, he sometimes turned his tight jacket and bodice inside out in homage to Dior’s founder. "I really studied the constructions and discovered his soul," Galliano said. "I could read his decisions."

REF: http://www.wwd.com/fashion-news/christian-dior-spring-couture-2009-1949807?module=today#/wwd